Shaft House Pueblito

Shaft House Pueblito Map
This pueblito is situated on a narrow ledge of the northeastern fork of Crow Canyon. The site consists of 14 rooms on two levels. The two levels are connected by a two-story masonry tower from which the site derives its name. The east end of the site is closed off by a tall two to three meter high wall. The lower level consists of several square rooms and small walled storage areas. The upper level contains a stairway leading through a doorway to three rooms. The site underwent emergency stabilization in 1973 (Powers and Johnson 1987).

Ceramic Assemblage: Currently only Dinetah Gray ceramics have been documented at the site (Towner 1997).

Tree-ring Analysis: Only nine tree-ring samples have been collected from the site. Wood species was dominated by juniper with a single sample of cottonwood. All of the juniper samples exhibit metal ax modification. Dates obtained from the juniper samples were inconclusive and only a post-1712 site occupation could be determined (Towner 1997).
Land Owner: Bureau of Land Management
Site Elevation: 6483 ft / 1976 m
Hiking Difficulty: Very Difficult =
Someone in excellent hiking condition;
Distance greater than 1 mile;
Elevation gain 300-400 feet.
Defensive Sites Of Dinetah Powers, Margaret A. and Byron P. Johnson 1987
Defensive Sites of Dinetah. New Mexico Bureau of Land Management Cultural Resources Series No. 2, 1987. U.S. Dept of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Albuquerque District.
The Dendrochronology of the Navajo Pueblitos of Dinetah Towner, Ronald H. 1997
The Dendrochronology of the Navajo Pueblitos of Dinetah, PhD dissertation, University of Arizona.
Shaft House Pueblito
Lookin up towards Shaft House Pueblito.
Shaft House Pueblito
Looking at eastern roomblock.
Shaft House Pueblito
Shaft House towards the west from the roomblock.
Shaft House Pueblito
Shaft House towards the west from the roomblock.
Shaft House Pueblito
Roomblock from the east.
Shaft House Pueblito
East wall and barricade.