American Truck Historical Society
The San Juan Mountain Chapter of the American Truck Historical Society puts on an annual antique truck and tractor show every September at the Riverside Park on S. Light Plant Rd in Aztec, NM . It is open to the public. This show is to honor and show off the history and heritage of trucks and the trucking industry in America. Vehicle entries range from small pickups to 18 wheelers and even military vehicles with over 150 entries. The age of these vehicles are as old as the early 1900's up to present day. Looking at the vehicles is a family affair with trucks coming from as far away as Arkansas and California.

Additional Information

ATHS San Juan Mountain Chapter
Harold Pepin
(505) 320-3596
Antique Truck Show
Truck Show
1929 Chevy.
Truck Show
1930 Ford Model AA.
Truck Show
1938 Dodge Brother.
Truck Show
1947 White WC20.
Truck Show
1948 Willy C2 AMilitary Jeep.
Truck Show
1948 Willy Jeep.
Truck Show
1949 International.
Truck Show
1957 Ford F100.
Truck Show
White WC20s.

Photos by EMKotyk