San Juan County Historical Society


A group of concerned citizens of San Juan County, New Mexico met in June 1988, for the purpose of planning a strategy to ensure that 1he history of this county would be preserved for future generations. That discussion resulted in the establishment of the San Juan County Historical Society.


The mission of the San Juan County Historical Society is to collect and preserve historical documents pertaining to San Juan County; preserve these documents for future generations and create a computerized database from these documents for legitimate research and scholarly endeavors.

The San Juan County Historical Society's facility houses our collection of historical documents. Members and the community are welcome to call and make an appointment to conduct family and scholarly research.


The Society recognizes contributions made by county citizens and designates landmarks that have played a significant role in our history. We also produce books on meaningful topics of local history. Members receive a copy free of each new book when published. Books published and for sale:
1. San Juan County: The Early Years
2. San Juan County Roars into the '20s
3. Abandoned Cemeteries and Lesser Known Settlements of San Juan County, New Mexico
4. The Cox-Truby Feud
5. Churches of San Juan County, New Mexico Volume 1, 1876-1925
6. Water: Lifeline of the Valley
7. A Railroad Here? Meet the Red Apple Flyer
8. Aztec: Then and Now
9. Late Prehistory and Early History of Man in the San Juan Basin
10. Echoes of the Past Volume 1, Pioneers of San Juan County, New Mexico 1876-1899
11. Ditches, Switches, and the Super Bowl
12. Echoes of the Past Volume 2, Pioneers of San Juan County, New Mexico 1876-1899
13. Sodas and Shows: Pop Culture
14. Crimes of the County: Northwest New Mexico 1876-1928
15. Echoes of the Past Volume 3, Pioneers of San Juan County, New Mexico 1876-1899
16. Iron Ladies of San Juan County, New Mexico
17. Place Names of San Juan County, New Mexico
18. The Lost Communities of Navajo Dam: Los Martinez and Los Pinos Volume 1
  • Download Book Order Form (PDF 35 KB)

  • Membership Meetings

    The San Juan County Historical Society meets five (5) times a year. Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of even numbered months (February, April, June, August, October) with no meeting in December. Meetings start at 6 pm and rotate among venues in Aztec and Farmington.

    Our guest speakers present a wealth of knowledge about interesting and notable people, events and places that have shaped the history of San Juan Count.

  • Download Membership Application (PDF 27 KB)

  • More Information

    San Juan County Historical Society
    201 N. Main Avenue
    Aztec, NM
    (505) 334-7136
  • ➠ Google Map
  • Email:
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  • San Juan County Historical Society