Aztec's Main Avenue was designated as a Historic District by the state in 1982 and added to the National Register in 1985.

Information on the Historic properties was copied from the Historic Aztec Self-Guided Walking and Biking Tours brochure published by the Aztec Museum Association. Learn more about the Aztec Museum and Pioneer Village at

Historic Downtown
### = Buildings on the Historic Aztec Self-Guided Walking and Biking Tours brochure.

Main Ave 1908
Main Avenue 1908
Main Ave 2015
Main Avenue 2015

North Main (West Side)

201 N Main (Old Firehouse)
201 N. Main Avenue
(Old Firehouse)
The original doors were at street level and swung open for fire trucks to make a fast exit. The firemen were all community-minded volunteers. When a fire alarm sounded, it wasn't uncommon to see half-dressed men running down Main Avenue toward the firehouse, pulling on trousers and shirts. The building now serves as the office for the San Juan County Historical Society and repository for their vast collection of historic photos and documents.
San Juan County Historical Society
(505) 334-7136
Facebook: SanJuanCountyHistoricalSociety
125 N Main (Aztec Museum)
125 N. Main Avenue
(Old City Hall)
Built in 1940, this building functioned as the Aztec City Hall. City business was conducted here through the World War II era and during the oil and gas boom of the 1950s. The building now serves as the Aztec Museum.

Aztec Museum & Pioneer Village
(505) 334-9829
101 N Main

101 N. Main Avenue
Numerous businesses occupy the building along the side on Chaco St. At the corner and on Main Avenue is the Lil' Aztec Flower Shop.

Lil' Aztec Flower Shop
(505) 419-3564
Facebook: lilaztecflowershop

North Main (East Side)

112 N Main (Jarvis Hotel)
112 N. Main Avenue
(Jarvis Hotel)
One of Aztec's first buildings began life here as a one-story adobe building. By 1890 it was owned by James William Jarvis who was born in England in 1798 and died in 1903, having lived across three centuries. In 1894, his daughter-in-law, Mrs. George (Ingo Mary) Jarvis ran a restaurant here. The house was remodeled and a second story was added in 1906. The house now functions as offices for the Ramsey Realty brokered by EXP Realty.

Ramsey Realty brokered by EXP Realty
(505) 334-6187
108 N Main
108 N. Main Avenue
J. M. Palmer, one of Aztec's first attorneys, had his office in this building in the 1890s. Circa 1912, it was occupied by Aztec's second newspaper, The Democrat, and in the 1930s by Mr. Palmer's son, Attorney J. Murray Palmer. It has stucco over the original adobe.

104 N Main (Aztec Theater)
104 N. Main Avenue
(Aztec Theater)
Built in 1927 by J. Oscar Manning as the Mayan Theater, and later renamed Aztec Theater, this building has long been an important source of entertainment for San Juan County residents.
102 N Main (Uptegrove Building)
102 N. Main Avenue
(Uptegrove Building)
Tucked between the Aztec Theater and the building on the corner is one of the most popular spots in Aztec for nearly a quarter of a century. Two brothers, Clare and Tom Uptegrove built here in 1913, and with their wives, Ora and Lela, operated a bakery and confectionery for years.

Barefoot Bikes
(505) 634-9004
100 N Main (D.C. Ball Dry Goods Store)
100 N. Main Avenue
(D.C. Ball Dry Goods Store)
Built in 1910, this building was operated by D.C. Ball & Son as a dry goods store. It features brick walls covered with a more recent stucco and stone facade.

Ancient Grounds Cafe
(505) 258-3634

South Main (West Side)

101 S Main (Col. Williams' General Store)
101 S. Main Avenue
(Col. Williams' General Store)
One of the oldest buildings in Aztec, by 1890 it housed a general merchandise store operated by Civil War veteran Col. W. H. Williams. The building was made of adobe, then faced with brick in 1919 to house the Aztec State Bank. Col. Williams was a member of the Aztec Town Company.

Aztec Media
(505) 334-8556
103 S Main (Waring-Hubbard Building)
103 S. Main Avenue
(Waring-Hubbard Building)
Built in 1910 by Edmund C. (Ted) Waring, a jeweler and watchmaker. The building was sold in 1933 to Clyde C. Hubbard who operated a grocery store.

• On the National and State Historic Register
• Decorative Brick Style

Ryan Lane Attorney
(505) 334-4494
105 S Main (Citizens Bank Building)
105 S. Main Avenue
(Citizens Bank Building)
T. A. Pierce moved to Aztec in 1903 and brought a safe with him, qualifying him to begin the first "bank". He built the Citizens Bank by 1910. Law offices were on the second floor. A portion of the original interior is reconstructed in the Pioneer Village.

• On the National and State Historic Register
• Neo-Classical Style
107 S Main (Odd Fellows Hall)
107 S. Main Avenue
(Odd Fellows Hall)
Odd Fellows Lodge members built this structure in 1903 and have occupied the upper floor ever since. The lower floor was first occupied by the San Juan Stores Company, Joe Prewitt, agent, dealers in General Merchandise.

• On the National and State Historic Register
• Italianate/Decorative Brick Style

109 S Main (Townsend Building)
109 S. Main Avenue
(Townsend Building)
Built by Fred W. Townsend to replace a one-story structure destroyed by fire in 1910. Mr. Townsend operated a meat market on the lower floor and the family lived on the upper floor.

• On the National and State Historic Register
• Neo-Classical Style

The Vintage Mirror Salon
(505) 444-0145
Facebook: loveyourreflectioninmirror
115 S Main
115 S. Main Avenue

Jack's Plastic Welding
(505) 334-8748

117 S Main (Randall Building)
117 S. Main Avenue
(Randall Building)
J. M. Randall first built a frame building here in 1900. Randall, one of the city's leading merchants, operated a dry goods store. In 1907, he built around the frame building adding living quarters on the second floor.

• On the National and State Historic Register
• Italianate/Decorative Brick Style
119 S Main (Hubbard Building)
119 S. Main Avenue
(Hubbard Building)
This one-story brick building was built in 1906 by A. M. Hubbard for his meat market. In later years, J. W. Dial operated Aztec's first funeral parlor here. Succeeding uses were a restaurant, a saloon, and a variety store.

Teasyatwho Gallery
(505) 334-0426

121 S Main (Taylor Building)
121 S. Main Avenue
(Taylor Building)
Dr. M. D. Taylor was practicing in Aztec and expanded his enterprise with this building in 1908. He opened a drug store on the first floor and saw patients upstairs. In 1919, he was elected to serve as a delegate to the Constitutional Convention working for statehood. The building just recently underwent interior and exterior renovations.

• On the National and State Historic Register
• Neo-Classical Style

Optik icare iwear
(505) 333-7278
123 S Main (Pinkstaff Building)
123 S. Main Avenue
(Pinkstaff Building)
Built approximately in 1908 by Samuel O. Pinkstaff, a member of Aztec's first Town Board. First occupants were C. S. Bailey and Sherman Howe, who ran a dry goods store.

• On the National and State Historic Register
• Neo-Classical/Decorative Brick Style

201 S Main (Brewer Building)
201-207 S. Main Avenue
(Brewer Building)
Established sometime before 1925, C. G. Brewer and his son, Truman, built a combination business building/living quarters on this corner. Their previous home located between Bloomfield and Blanco was destroyed by high waters of the San Juan River. They salvaged the bricks for this new structure. It functioned as a hardware store for the first half century. Note the stepped parapet.
Aztec Chamber of Commerce
205 S. Main Avenue
(505) 517-3156

The Alchemist and The Magpie
207 S. Main Avenue
(970) 777-8867
301 S Main (McClure Building)
301 S. Main Avenue
(McClure Building)
Walker and Frank McClure built a livery stable and feed store at this location in the early 1900s. Later it was occupied by The Index, a newspaper published by C. S. Bailey, and for a brief time in 1919 by The Empress Theater. In 1926, Carl Neitzel bought the building, built an addition on the south side and established a Chevrolet dealership.
• On the National and State Historic Register
Poppin' Tags Thrift Store
(505) 436-9252

South Main (East Side)

104 S Main
104 S. Main Avenue

Tuanjai Thai Noodle
(505) 333-7759
106 S Main
106 S. Main Avenue

108 S Main
108 S. Main Avenue

The Soaps of Katie Elder
110 S Main
110 S. Main Avenue

Aztec Wellness
(505) 355-2683
116 S Main
116 S. Main Avenue

Rubia's Restaurant
(505) 334-0599
Facebook: rubiasofaztec
200 S Main (Thomas Building)
200 S. Main Avenue
(Thomas Building)
This two-story brick building was built in 1906 was first owned by N.M. Engleman and later by J.M. Thomas who operated a general merchandise store. Upper rooms were offices and short-term living quarters. Mr. Thomas added scales in the street in front of the store for the use of draymen, coal haulers, and grain dealers.

• On the National and State Historic Register

202 S Main
202 S. Main Avenue

Buckin' Western Boutique
204 S Main
204 S. Main Avenue

206 S Main
206 S. Main Avenue

Main Street Spirit
(505) 334-8646
208 S Main
208 S. Main Avenue

210 S Main
210 S. Main Avenue

Main Street Music
(505) 334-5210
216 S Main
216 S. Main Avenue
Aztec Feed and Suppply store was built in 1913 and originally functioned as a Buick agency garage. The garage was owned by J.S. Hartman, John B. Austin, and Oren Randall. Austin and Randall were both mechanics. It was later owned by Carl Neitzel and was partially destroyed by fire in 1926. Smoke stained bricks can still be seen in the warehouse of the feed store.
Rustic Creations and Feed Store
(505) 334-8911
Facebook: RusticCreationsAztec
300 S Main (American Hotel)
300 S. Main Avenue
(American Hotel)
The American hotel held its grand opening in March 1907. The one-story attachment at the rear served as the dining room, kitchen and laundry room. The hotel was acclaimed for its excellent meals. Note the segmented arches of the windows, some still having original glass. The arrival of the railroad in 1905 stimulated trade and commerce, creating a demand for accommodations for increasing numbers of travelers. Guests were met at the train station and transported to the American Hotel by a horse drawn buggy, the Red Apple Flyer Taxi. The hotel's comfortable porch heard news of the world exchanged, and saw business deals being made.

• On the National and State Historic Register