Origami in the Garden is a monumental outdoor sculpture exhibition created by American artist Kevin Box. The collection includes Box's own compositions as well as collaborative works with his wife Jennifer Box and world renowned origami artists such as Robert J. Lang, Te Jui Fu, Michael G. LaFosse and Richard Alexander.
Origami in the Garden is currently on display at The Turquoise Trail Sculpture Garden, a private residence nestled in the Garden of the Gods just 15 miles South of Santa Fe, New Mexico along the Turquoise Trail Scenic Byway.
The following is a photo collection of the pieces which can be found at Origami in the Garden as of 2019. Not all the pieces are shown here and the collection changes from time to time, so pieces will come and go over time. It's worth the visit!
The information provided is from the Origami in the Garden Tour Map 2019.
Crane Unfolding
2005 Kevin Box This sculpture was the first origami inspired sculpture by Kevin Box, the creator of Origami in the Garden. The crane is a symbol of what we see on the outside, but when unfolded, we can see the beauty beneath the surface. There is more to the wor1d than meets the eye and the artist expresses this perception through the simple metaphor of unfolding origami.
Crane Unfolding.
Consider the Lilies
2019 Kevin Box These flowers are Box's newest works in progress as he develops more botanical themes and colors. The Lily is a symbol of many things worth considering such as purity, humility, devotion, resurrection and the new life of spring.
Consider The Lilies.
Balancing Act
2013 Kevin Box & Ti Jui Fu This work shows off the balancing act between the pure form of the origami crane, folded from a single uncut square and the kingami horse that uses four cuts in the paper square. "Life is a balanclng act of choices, to take a short cut or not to cut, to be or not to be, the decisions of life are all up to us!" Box
Balancing Act.
Master Peace
2014 Jennifer & Kevin Box To fold 1,000 cranes is a paperfolding pilgrimage that many people make for peace, for prosperity, for health and for happiness. Thia sculpture is
made of 1,000 cranes. 500 are in the tower here and 500 are scattered into the world. All 1,000 are together in the reflection of the black granite base.
Master Peace.
Flight of Folds
2013 Kevin Box & Robert Lang This piece tells the story of a piece of paper dreaming of flying, the history of origami and the process of creative evolution. The bottom square
represents the first piece of paper, the middle crane is the Japanoso crane and the top crane was recently folded by Lang, all from an uncut square.
Flight Of Folds.
Painted Ponies
2005 Kevin Box and Ti Jui Fu This is the first colorful collaboration between Box and another origami artist. They used a technique called Kirigami, which means "to cut," since four cuts were made in the paper. The Chinese symbol on the back of the pony is a collaborative signature made up of Ti Jui's last name Fu, and Kevin's Box surrounds it.
Painted Ponies.
Conversation Peace
2012 Kevin Box The term "conversation piece" is used to refer to interesting and intriguing objects that spark a conversation. In this Interpretation of the game rock-paper-scissors, the paper has won by folding itself into a peace crane and flying just out of the scissors' reach.
Conversation Piece.
Emerging Peace
2016 Kevin Box & Michael LaFosse The life cycle of a butterfly tells a complex story of transformation. In it we can see how a caterpillar, capable of destroying one plant with an enormous appetite, can change into a beautiful butterfly that helps pollinate many plants that are miles apart. Pollinators such as butterflies are a very important part of nature and the food chain that feeds us.
Emerging Peace.
Folding Planes
2014 Kevin Box This sculpture tells the story of a piece of paper dreaming of flying. It begins at the base with a blank page and proceeds up through the seven simple folds to make a paper airplane. At the top of the sculpture the airplane takes flight. Each fold represents a choice or action that transforms dreams into reality.
Folding Planes.
Double Happiness
2013 Jennifer & Kevin Box While Kevin and Jennifer were building their first home together on this property, they found inspiration watching a pair of birds building their nest. The nest is made from cast bronze olive branches found on this property. Olive branches are a Greek symbol of compromise, a necessary part of making a happy home together.
Double Happiness.
Stone Paper Scissors
2012 Kevin Box Rock Paper Scissors is a game of chance, a way of making decisions or resolving conflicts for not-so-serious matters. This sculpture celebrates this childhood game with a real 2,500 lb. boulder and stainless steel paper and scissors.
Stone Paper Scissors.
Spirit House
2014 Jennifer and Kevin Box Inspired by the process of building a home and studio together, the Box's incorporated
olive branches cast in bronze from trees on this property. Olive branches are a Greek symbol of peace and compromise. Creating a happy home requires compromise between couples, roommates or friends.
Who Saw Who.
Hero's Horse
2017 Kevin Box and Robert Lang Mediterranean legends tell of a winged, white horse, sent from above to help a hero on his journey to save the world. Alter overcoming impossible odds, the Pegasus returned to the sky, transforming into the stars. "Hero's Horse is a story of hope, reminding us that when faced with the impossible, help is on the way and good will always win the day." - Kevin Box
Hero's Horse.
Seed Sower
2017 Kevin Box, Beth Johnson (Acorn), & Michael G. LaFosse (Squirrel) This sculpture is inspired by the collaboration between squirrels, who enjoy the shelter and food that trees provide and trees, who benefit from squirrels when they bury some of the acorns giving them a chance to grow. "Seed Sower magnifies the message of collaboration that I see in nature by reinforcing the reality that we must work together if we want to plant big ideas into the world." - Kevin Box
Seed Sower.
King of the Cairn
2019 Not an actual sculpture, just good timing upon arrival to catch this lizard morning sun-bathing atop this rock cairn. Perhaps it can be an inspirational piece?