is for Food. |
Food is an important part of every culture - what is eaten, how it's prepared, when or where it's eaten, with whom it's shared. The Ancestral Pueblo people ate a wide variety of plants and animals, both domesticated and wild. The people were agriculturalists, and corn was the most important crop they grew. The "Three Sisters" - corn, beans, and squash - were the staples of their diet. They also grew sunflowers, amaranth, and gourds, and raised turkeys for food and feathers. A small sample of the wild foods Ancestral Pueblo people hunted and harvested include: deer, elk, antelope, rabbits, ducks, squirrels and other rodents, small birds, eggs, grasshoppers, and grubs; piñon nuts, cactus fruits and pads, yucca fruit, goosefoot seeds and greens, Indian tea, wild onions, wild parsley, juniper berries, wild spinach, cattails, watercress, chokecherries, mushrooms, Indian rice grass, wild asparagus, purslane, serviceberries, sumac, mint, rosehips, tomatillos, and wild berries.
What's on your table tonight, and who will you be sharing it with?
Source: www.facebook.com/AztecRuinsNM