is for Masonry. |
The people Aztec were skilled masons. Working only with stone tools, they constructed huge communal buildings that continue to awe visitors today. Their masonry techniques changed over time, so archaeologists can date sections of structures by the masonry style. Masonry styles found in great houses have been classified into five main styles:
Types I - IV, and McElmo.
McElmo is the most common masonry style at Aztec Ruins, but much of it is non-conforming. Some of this might be attributable to various stabilization efforts over the past century, as well as original masonry style.
Some McElmo style walls in the west wing have unique decorative banded masonry. This might be bands of sandstone of different type or thinness, or of a different color, such as the famous green bands along the west exterior wall.
Regardless of the masonry styles, most likely all the interior and exterior walls were covered in plaster and painted, so the stonework would not have been visible.
Source: www.facebook.com/AztecRuinsNM