Tso'bito Pueblito

Tsobito Pueblito Map
The Tso'bito (Big Man's Water) Pueblito, also commonly referred to as Jesus Canyon Pueblito, is a six room pueblito on top of a boulder on the valley floor of a tributary drainage to Jasis Canyon. Formal documentation on the site has been limited and not published. Based on wall abutments, the pueblito appears to have been constructed in several episodes. Room 2 was constructed first and then abutted by Room 1. Roomes 3 and 4 were added onto Room 1, followed by Room 6 and Room 5 (Towner 1997). However, the lack of timber for sampling makes dating of the episodes problematic.

Ceramic Assemblage: Only Dinetah Gray wares were observed at the site (personal observation 2017).

Tree-ring Analysis: A total of four samples have been collected from the pueblito. Wood species identified consisted of pinyon and juniper. Two of the four samples showed evidence of metal ax use. Due to such few samples, the best estimate is that the pueblito was likely built sometime after 1726 (Towner 1997).
Land Owner: State of New Mexico
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Site Elevation: 6011 ft / 1832 m
Hiking Difficulty: Moderate =
Someone in fair hiking condition;
Distance less than 1/2 mile feet;
Elevation gain less than 50 feet.
The Dendrochronology of the Navajo Pueblitos of Dinetah Towner, Ronald H. 1997
The Dendrochronology of the Navajo Pueblitos of Dinetah, PhD dissertation, University of Arizona.