Canyon View Pueblito

Canyon View Pueblito Map
Located at the very northern tip of a mesa which seperates Johnson and Tafoya Canyons, this pueblito is situated on a sandstone outcrop with views over Largo and Johnson Canyons. The site includes a two room masonry pueblito (Rooms 1 and 2) and one, possibly two hogans. The masonry pueblito may have been two stories tall (Powers and Johnson 1987).

Ceramic Assemblage: Ceramics include Dinetah Gray, Gobernador Polychrome with a few shereds of Jemez Black-on-white and Acoma wares (Towner 1997).

Tree-ring Analysis: Twenty-eight tree-ring samples have been collected from the pueblito and possible hogan. Wood species were dominated by pinyon with one occurrence of ponderosa pine noted. Majority of the samples were weathered and only five specimens showed evidence of metal ax use. The tree-ring dates indicate that the pueblito was constructed in 1734 (Towner 1997).
Land Owner: Bureau of Land Management
Site Elevation: 6640 ft / 2023 m
Hiking Difficulty: Moderate =
Someone in good hiking condition;
Distance about 1 mile one-way;
Elevation gain less than 50 feet.
Defensive Sites Of Dinetah Powers, Margaret A. and Byron P. Johnson 1987
Defensive Sites of Dinetah. New Mexico Bureau of Land Management Cultural Resources Series No. 2, 1987. U.S. Dept of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Albuquerque District.
The Dendrochronology of the Navajo Pueblitos of Dinetah Towner, Ronald H. 1997
The Dendrochronology of the Navajo Pueblitos of Dinetah, PhD dissertation, University of Arizona.
Canyon View Pueblito
Canyon View Pueblito
Canyon View Pueblito